Solving the Squirrel Dilemma: Effective Methods for Nassau County Residents

Squirrels can be cute and entertaining to watch, but they can also be a nuisance for Nassau County residents. From raiding bird feeders to causing damage to property, these furry creatures can create quite a dilemma for homeowners. If you're facing a squirrel problem in Nassau County, fret not! We've compiled a list of effective methods to help you deal with the squirrel dilemma.

squirrel removal nassau county

Understanding Squirrel Behavior

Before diving into solutions, it's essential to understand the behavior of squirrels. By knowing why they are attracted to your property, you can implement strategies to deter them effectively.

Common Reasons Squirrels Invade Properties:

  • Seeking food sources like bird feeders, garbage cans, and gardens.
  • Looking for shelter in attics, chimneys, and sheds.
  • Establishing territories and nesting sites.
  • Mating and breeding activities during certain seasons.

Effective Methods to Keep Squirrels at Bay

1. Use Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeders:

Squirrels are notorious for raiding bird feeders and stealing seeds meant for birds. To prevent this, invest in squirrel-proof bird feeders designed with mechanisms that make it difficult for squirrels to access the food.

2. Seal Entry Points:

Inspect your home for possible entry points that squirrels can use to gain access to your attic or crawl spaces. Seal any openings or gaps with sturdy materials like hardware cloth or steel mesh to prevent squirrels from entering.

3. Trim Tree Branches:

Squirrels are skilled climbers and can easily access your roof by jumping from overhanging tree branches. Trim trees near your home to eliminate this access point and make it harder for squirrels to reach your property.

4. Install Motion-Activated Devices:

Consider installing motion-activated devices like sprinklers or lights in your yard. When squirrels approach, these devices will be triggered, startling the squirrels and deterring them from returning to your property.

5. Use Natural Repellents:

There are natural repellents that can help keep squirrels away from your property. Substances like cayenne pepper, peppermint oil, or vinegar can be used strategically to create a scent barrier that squirrels find unpleasant.

When to Seek Professional Help

While many squirrel problems can be handled effectively on your own, there are situations where seeking professional help is warranted. Here are some scenarios where it's best to call in experts:

Signs of Infestation:

  • If you notice multiple squirrels entering your property regularly, it could indicate an infestation that requires professional intervention.
  • Droppings, urine stains, or chewed wires in your attic are signs of a significant squirrel presence that needs to be addressed promptly.

Unable to Resolve the Issue:

If your attempts to deter squirrels have been unsuccessful and the problem persists, it's time to consult with pest control professionals who have the expertise and tools to handle squirrel infestations effectively.


Dealing with squirrels in Nassau County requires understanding their behavior and implementing effective strategies to keep them at bay. By following the methods outlined above and knowing when to seek professional help, you can protect your property and enjoy a squirrel-free environment.