Qmanager Improve Process of Dismissal

QManager capture time stamps when the children are picked up and also maintain daily attendance reports are generated automatically from the portal. School staff can also generate the report in time to see who took the children last month or last year. These reports can then be printed or exported to the needs of the State and examination of prisoners, etc.

Now we create a report that will help the school calculates hours club activities and fill in the correct amounts to parents. Another report that we will be able to generate direct verification of all children in school.

This report can then be used for field activities, emergency training, etc. The demand for this report comes from one of our customers. So yes, we made a special report for our customers!

Here is the latest report available to the school, after school programs and camps:

– attendance

– Not present

– Activity Tracker (this is a feature of the report)

– Calculation of Jam Club Events

You can find software to process the dismissal right through dismissalsoftware.com/

As a school administrator, you should know that manage school institutions is easier said than done. Between supervising staff, supervise the students and solve unexpected problems, your daily work is never done. Above all, you have to deal with school dismissal, which takes time, patience and, most important, valuable funds from your budget.

Our experience in working with schools across the country showed that the use of software QManager school dismissal can save significant time and money for your institution.