Know about the Treatments for Endometriosis

Treatment for endometriosis usually takes the form of drugs or surgery and depends on the severity of symptoms and whether pregnancy is an option or not. Usually surgery is the last resort and the medicine is tested first.

Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, including Advil or Motrin, are usually recommended to help control pain. You can also navigate onlien to get more information about endometriosis treatments and coping methods.

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However, if they do not control pain and cramping, other, stronger drugs may be prescribed. You should never exceed the maximum daily dose recommended by the pain reliever pill manufacturer.

Hormone supplements can be effective in relieving or even relieving pain associated with endometriosis. This is because the fluctuation of hormones during the menstrual cycle can cause the endometrium to thicken, collapse, and bleed.

Birth control pills are a method that can be tried and they often work. Hormonal birth control pills can help by making menstrual flow easier and shorter, especially if the cycle is continuous.

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone can also be prescribed. This blocks the production of certain hormones and prevents menstruation. This causes the endometrial implant to shrink and the endometriosis may be in remission during treatment and sometimes for several years after treatment has stopped.

This treatment can cause artificial menopause and certain side effects such as hot flashes and dryness. However, low doses of estrogen can reduce this side effect. It is widely believed that if these medications don't stop the pain, endometriosis is unlikely to be the cause of your symptoms.

Endometriosis Facts and Complementary Therapies

What is Endometriosis? Enter the world of one of the most common gynecological diseases found in women today, and yet still awareness of this debilitating condition is very much low on the list of priorities worldwide, and as yet no cure has been found.

Because of the limitations of Conventional Medicine, more and more women are turning to Complementary Therapies, allowing them to take control of their bodies and life again. To know about the common facts about nutrition and endometriosis, you can check out various online sources.

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For many years now, millions of women have visited the doctor with various distressing symptoms, desperate for an answer to their problems, to be told its 'just cramps', and part of being a woman.

This has left women waiting for years in pain and discomfort, feeling helpless, not knowing where to turn, before the condition is correctly and eventually diagnosed and treated, by which time the disease has caused significant damage leading to infertility.

The Conventional Treatments available can reduce symptoms of endometriosis, improve quality of life, and in many cases restore fertility. Some of these can also have their side-effects.

There are also many avenues to explore using Complementary Therapies, which can treat the whole person, leaving the woman more in control of the situation, with more confidence and knowledge to seek and achieve what is needed to regain full health.

Complementary Therapies include

• Acupuncture

• Homeopathy

• Reflexology

• Yoga/Relaxation/Meditation

• Aromatherapy

• Herbal medicine

• Hypnotherapy